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Adjective clauses


·         A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb.
·         Adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun. It describes, identifies, or gives further information about a noun.
·         Independent clause is a complete sentence. It contains the main subject and verb of a sentence (it also called a main clause).
·         An adjective clause is also called a relative clause.


1.      The student who is buying a pen is Andika.
2.      The student whom I borrowed this pen is Andika.
3.      The student whose pen I borrowed is Andika.
4.      The pen which I borrowed belongs to Andika.

Adjective clause using WHERE

“Where” is used in an adjective clause to modify a place (city, country, room, etc.)
(a) The building is very old.                (b) He lives there (in that building).
The building where he lives is very old.

The two sentences above can also be combined as follows:
The building in which he lives is very old.
The building which he lives in is very old.
The building that he lives in is very old.
The building he lives in is very old.

Exercises: Combine the two sentences using adjective clause “where”

1. (a) The city was beautiful.              (b) We spent our vacation there (in that city).
2. (a) That is the restaurant.                (b) I will meet you there (at the restaurant).
3. (a) The town is small.                      (b) I grew up there (in that town).
4. (a) That is the drawer.                     (b) I keep my pens there (in that drawer).


1.      The city where we spent our vacation was beautiful.
2.      That is the restaurant where I will meet you.
3.      The town where I grew up is small.
4.      That is the drawer where I keep my pens there.

Adjective clause using WHEN

“When” is used in an adjective clause to modify a noun of time (year, day, time, etc.)
(a) I’ll never forget the day.                (b) I met you then (on that day).
      I’ll never forget the day when I met you.

The two sentences above can also be combined as follows:
      I’ll never forget the day on which I met you.
      I’ll never forget the day that I met you.
      I’ll never forget the day I met you.

Exercises: Combine the two sentences using adjective clause “when”

1. (a) Monday is the day.        (b) We come then (on that day).
2. (a) 07:05 is the time.           (b) My plane arrives then (at that time).
3. (a) 1960 is the year.             (b) The revolution took place then (in that year).
4. (a) July is the month.           (b) The weather is the hottest then (in that month).

1.      Monday is the day when we come.
2.       My plane arrives when the time is 07:05.
3.      The revolution took place when the year is 1960.
4.      July is the month when weather is the hottest.


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